
The second project SABSAS did. After the success of the first one, Patricio ”Pato” Morales & Rea Fraser got in touch with Gabo. Together they decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign to support riders in 4 African nations, Cameroon, Morocco, Nigeria & Mozambique. That was an extremely ambitious idea at the time. Unfortunately the mission couldn’t be completed due to lack of funding. However, we did successfully support riders in Cameroon & Morocco.

Pato had the contact of a young bmx rider in Cameroon, Boris Kimberly. Who’s one of the first generation of bmxers in the country, Boris also started the project 237BMX to promote the sport in Cameroon. At the time, Pato had collected a big amount of Bmx parts. We decided we’d send them to Cameroon as soonas we had enough funds, in June 2021 the packages were sent.

Boris received them in Yaounde one month later & organised a Jam to celebrate & distribute half of the parts received. Later that month, he travelled to Duala to distribute the other half with another bmx party.

If you want, go to our youtube channel & watch the video Boris did.

cameroon jam
jam cameroon
jam cameroon
Kimberly Cameroon
Kimerly from Cameroon
packages arrive in cameroon
packages arrive in cameroon
pieces in Cameroon
BMX parts in Cameroon
Pato organizing the package
Pato organizing the package
Share a smile in Cameroon
Share a smile in Cameroon
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cameroon jam
jam cameroon
Kimberly Cameroon
packages arrive in cameroon
pieces in Cameroon
Pato organizing the package
Share a smile in Cameroon
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